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Solutions and workarounds to common issues.

I can’t see the right sidebar in Google Sheets.

It is possible that the right sidebar, from which you open Sync2Sheets, is not visible in Google Sheets. To open it, please click on the arrow in the bottom right corner, as shown in the image below. Once opened, you should see the Sync2Sheets icon to open the add-on. Open the right sidebar Google Sheets

I installed Sync2Sheets but can’t find it anywhere.

To open Sync2Sheets, you need to first have a Google Sheet open. Then, on the right, you should see a sidebar with the Sync2Sheets icon; click it to open the add-on. Sync2Sheets on right sidebar

I can’t find a database when searching.

If a specific database does not appear during the search, please make sure you have connected it with Sync2Sheets. Once connected, give it a couple of minutes before searching again, as the Notion API takes some time to index it in the results.


I am getting a general error when trying to use the add-on.

If you are having issues while trying to sync your first database or do anything with the add-on, the first thing you can do before reaching out to us is to try opening it from a new spreadsheet. Just type “” in your browser, give the spreadsheet a simple name, and try to use Sync2Sheets again. If the error persists, please contact us.

My roll-up properties are missing.

Depending on how your roll-ups are configured, the results might not appear in the Notion API if you have multiple relations nested from other databases. Right now, roll-ups and relations can only go one level deep. If those values rely on other values (for example, the relation you are mapping to requires values from another database as well), then those values would not appear.
One possible solution for you to try:
Create a new formula property that just points to your roll-up property like this: prop("Rollup property name") and check if that does the trick.

The Sheet is not updated with changes in my roll-ups.

Roll-ups are special properties in Notion databases that don’t belong directly to the page but reference other page’s data. If the only thing that changed in your page was the value of a roll-up, the Notion API won’t return that page as updated, so Sync2Sheets won’t be able to update the value in the Sheet. You can manually update your pages running a full database scan that will refresh all rows of the Sheet.

You can also sync multiple databases and mimic your Notion roll-ups with Google Sheets formulas!

A relation property is missing from my database.

For relation properties to be available, both the database and the related database need to be shared with the integration. Please make sure your related database is shared with Sync2Sheets and try the sync again.

A people property on my database has missing users or is empty.

If you have users missing from a people property, it’s likely that those missing users are guest users in your Notion workspace. Unfortunately, the Notion API does not return guest users, so it’s impossible for us to show their names in your sheet. However, there is a workaround you can use to view their names. Create a new formula property that points to your people property like this: prop("People property name"), and sync your database again.

I added a new option to a select property, but it is not appearing in Sheets.

Sync2Sheets does not automatically add new options to your sheet. However, you can add them manually, and it’s quite easy. Select the entire column except for the first row. Then, go to Data -> Data Validation and add the new option there.