If you have a question that it is not answered here, please contact us.

Is Sync2Sheets a full 2-way sync solution?

Sync2Sheets is not a full 2-way sync solution but we do offer 2-way sync capabilities for different scenarios.

For new pages we are 2-way sync, new pages in Notion will appear in Sheets and new rows in Sheets will be created in Notion.

For updates, by default the sync is only Notion to Sheets, but you have the feature synced columns that turns a specific column from Notion to Sheets to Sheets to Notion, while the rest of the columns remain the same.

For deleted pages, deleted pages in Notion can be removed from Sheets by a full database scan, but not the other way around.

For properties, new properties added in Notion can be added in Sheets by a full database scan, but not the other way around.

My relations show only the Page ID. How can I display the page title instead?

The solution is simple. You just need to add a new column of the rollup type and configure it to point to the relation. Select the title as the property, and then, in the calculation settings, choose Show original. Now, you will have the relation column with the IDs and a new rollup column with the names.

Where can I find my invoices?

Invoices are sent to the email used to buy the subscription, if you can’t find them please contact us and we will resend them.

How can I force the sync to run?

If your plan includes manual actions, you can force the sync to run from the add-on clicking on Run sync now.

Why is the order of the columns different from Notion?

The Notion API does not currently support views or any way of determining the order of the columns in your database. We create them in the order that they are returned from the API. The Notion team is currently working on alternatives.

Why is the order of the pages not the same as in Notion?

When you copy a template or a database, the creation time of all the new pages is the same. As a result, when retrieving them from the Notion API, the order is random and does not match the one in Notion.

Can I remove columns from the sheet?

Sync2Sheets requires the Page ID column to find the correct location for updating the rows in your sheet. This is the only column you cannot remove; if you do, the sync will stop working. If there are columns you don’t want to see, we recommend hiding instead of removing them.

Can I change the order of the columns in my sheet? Will everything still work?

You can reorder the columns as you wish, hide them, change their names, and add new columns in between. Everything will keep working as we uniquely identify each column. Changing the order of the columns will not affect Notion.

If I add a new column in Notion, will it appear in my sheet?

Advanced and Premium plans include the full database scan feature, which will create new columns in the sheet that you added in Notion after the sync. If you are on the Pro plan, you can remove the connection and redo the sync process.

How does Sync2Sheets handle date range properties?

To enable you to work with those dates correctly in Google Sheets, we split them into two separate columns: start date and end date.

How does Sync2Sheets handle multi-select properties?

Currently, Google Sheets does not have a concept of multi-select. We join the selected options together with a comma. If you want to do something different with that data, you can always use formulas to split the options and work with them.

If I delete a page in Notion, will it be deleted from the sheet?

Deleted pages in Notion can be removed from Sheets by a full database scan.

Are hidden columns synchronized as well?

Yes, all columns from your Notion database are synchronized. If you want, you can hide those columns in the sheet.

I have some blank cells that are formulas that reference another database. What can I do to make them appear?

Make sure you are sharing the database used in the formula with the integration. The same applies to relations and roll-ups. All related databases need to be shared with Sync2Sheets.