Unveiling Notion Pricing: Plans, Features & Limitations

Unveiling Notion Pricing: Plans, Features & Limitations

Choosing the right tool to enhance your team’s productivity is crucial. Notion, with its diverse plans and rich feature set, has become a popular choice among individuals and businesses alike. An understanding of Notion pricing, along with its plans, features, and any potential limitations, can help you make an informed decision catered precisely to your needs.

Understanding Notion Plans

Notion offers a range of plans - each designed for different user groups:

  1. Free Plan: Ideal for individuals managing personal tasks and notes.
  2. Plus Plan: Ideal for small groups to keep organized.
  3. Business Plan: Perfect for small teams collaborating on projects.
  4. Enterprise Plan: Tailored for large organizations handling complex workflows.

Whether you are an individual keeping track of personal notes, a small team collaborating on projects, or a large enterprise managing complex workflows, there is a Notion plan for you.

However, simply choosing a plan based on price or popularity may not yield the best results. It’s crucial to consider the specific features offered by each plan and understand how these align with your requirements. Equally important is being mindful of any limitations that might impact your usage.

In this article, we will delve deep into each Notion plan, examining the features they offer and their pricing structure. We aim to provide a comprehensive guide to help you navigate Notion pricing effectively.

Overview of Notion Plans

Notion offers a range of plans tailored to different users and their specific needs. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the options available:

1. Free Plan

Ideal for individuals looking to organize personal projects and tasks, this plan offers a generous set of features without any cost. Users can enjoy:

  • Unlimited blocks for solo use
  • Essential collaboration tools
  • Basic analytics to streamline their workflow

2. Plus Plan

For those who require more advanced capabilities, the Plus Plan includes everything in the Free Plan but with enhancements such as:

  • Unlimited file uploads
  • Extended version history
  • Synced databases with 3rd party apps
  • Custom websites
  • Custom automations
  • Charts & dashboards

It’s designed for power users who benefit from deeper functionality in their personal productivity systems.

3. Business Plan

Small to medium-sized teams find their collaborative sweet spot with the Business Plan. It includes team-centric features like:

  • Shared workspaces
  • Advanced permissions
  • Increased guest access

This plan bolsters teamwork by providing tools that facilitate seamless collaboration and project management, similar to what you would find with Microsoft Teams Premium or other top-notch collaboration tools.

4. Enterprise Plan

Large organizations with complex needs opt for the Enterprise Plan. It encompasses all the benefits of the other plans while adding top-tier elements such as:

  • Advanced security controls
  • Dedicated manager support
  • Detailed workspace analytics

This plan is tailored to scale with the demands of enterprise-level operations.

Each Notion plan is crafted with specific user segments in mind, ensuring that whether you’re an individual or a company, there’s a plan that suits your goals and grows with your needs.

1. Free Plan

When you first start using Notion, you’ll be on the Free Plan. This plan is perfect for individuals who want a powerful yet affordable solution. Here’s what you get:

Key Features of the Free Plan

  • Unlimited Blocks: Create as many blocks as you need for your personal use. Whether it’s checkboxes, paragraphs, or bullet points, there are no limits.
  • Collaborative Workspace: Share your workspace with colleagues or friends and work together in real time.
  • Integration Capability: Connect Notion with other tools like Slack and Zapier to boost your productivity.
  • Basic Page Analytics: Get insights into how your pages are performing with a seven-day version history and basic analytics.
  • Guest Invitations: Invite up to 10 guests to view your content and collaborate with them.

Limitations of the Free Plan

While the Free Plan offers a lot, there are some restrictions to be aware of:

  • Block Limit for Teams: If you have team members or are trying out the Plus Plan, there will be limits on the number of blocks you can create.
  • File Uploads: You can only upload files that are up to 5 MB in size.
  • Limited Historical Data: The version history of your pages is only available for the past seven days.
  • Limited Guest Invites: On this plan, you can only invite up to 10 guests.

Is the Free Plan Right for You?

The Notion Free Plan is designed specifically for individual users like yourself. It’s a great choice if:

  1. You’re just getting started with Notion and want to use it for personal tasks or small projects.
  2. You’re working alone or with a small group of people who don’t require extensive features.
  3. You’re on a tight budget and can’t afford to pay for a premium plan.

However, if you’re part of a larger team or running a business with more complex needs, you might find that the paid plans offer additional benefits:

  1. More advanced features tailored for collaboration and project management.
  2. Higher limits on file uploads and guest invitations.
  3. Priority customer support to address any issues or questions quickly.

Ultimately, the choice between the Free Plan and paid plans depends on your specific requirements and budget.

2. Plus Plan

The Notion plus plan offers an enhanced experience for individual users seeking more functionality beyond the free tier. This plan is designed to cater to those who manage complex projects, require more advanced tools, and desire a more personalized workspace.

Features of the Notion Plus Plan:

  • Unlimited Pages and Blocks: Users can create as many pages and blocks as needed without worrying about hitting a cap.
  • Unlimited File Uploads: Unlike the free plan, which restricts file uploads to 5MB, the plus plan allows users to upload files of any size.
  • Version History: Access to 30 days of page history enables users to track changes and revert back to previous versions if necessary.
  • Sharing Capabilities: While the free plan limits guest invites, the plus plan expands on this with the ability to invite 100 guests.
  • Advanced Organization: Users can better organize their workspaces with enhanced features like custom domain setup for a personalized notion.site address and advanced permission groups for detailed control over who sees what.

Limitations of the Notion Plus Plan:

Despite its robust features, some limitations persist, which include:

  1. Lack of team-oriented features such as collaborative workspace analytics or admin roles that are essential for managing larger teams.
  2. Absence of enterprise-level security features like SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) and SCIM user provisioning which are crucial for businesses requiring stringent security protocols.
  3. More sophisticated integrations such as synced databases with Jira or GitHub that are reserved for higher-tier plans.

Individuals should consider whether these limitations impact their workflow. For those needing a balance between extensive functionality and affordability, the Notion plus plan presents a compelling option. Transitioning from managing personal projects to collaborating with a team may necessitate evaluating the business or enterprise plans for additional capabilities suited to collaborative environments.

3. Business Plan

When it comes to collaborative work, the Notion business plan stands out. Packed with an array of features, this plan is designed to make team collaboration seamless and efficient.

One defining feature of the business plan is the unlimited blocks for teams. This means that your team can create as many pages, sub-pages, or templates as necessary without worrying about hitting a limit. Coupled with unlimited file uploads, this feature makes the business plan ideal for groups that need to share hefty files regularly.

The business plan also offers advanced page analytics and a 90-day page history. These features provide insights into how your pages are performing and allow you to track changes over a longer period.

Let’s not forget about private teamspaces, which offer an exclusive space for your team to collaborate. With this feature, you can control who has access to certain areas of your workspace.

Guest invitations increase to 250 in the business plan, providing ample allowance for including clients or external collaborators in your projects.

Despite its robust features, the business plan does come with certain limitations. The principal one being that while it offers more flexibility than the plus plan, it lacks some of the advanced functionalities found in the enterprise plan such as SCIM API access or advanced security controls.

The pricing structure could also be a limitation for smaller teams or startups with tight budgets since the cost per member increases with this upgrade.

However, these limitations are minor considering the value offered by the extensive features available in the Notion business plan. It enhances productivity and fosters collaborative work environments making it a worthy investment for growing teams.

4. Enterprise Plan

The Notion Enterprise Plan is perfect for businesses looking for a complete set of features and controls.

Key Features

  • Advanced Security: The enterprise plan offers SCIM API access, advanced security controls and logging to ensure your data remains secure.
  • Customer Success Manager: A dedicated support individual is made available to assist with onboarding, training and proactive troubleshooting.
  • Workspace Analytics: This feature allows you to gain insights into popular pages and total traffic across your workspace.
  • Unlimited Page History: With this plan, you can retrieve any version of a page ever created, ensuring no information loss.


While the enterprise plan is feature-rich, it comes at a custom pricing which might be prohibitive for smaller teams or startups. Additionally, the process of setting up advanced features such as SAML SSO and SCIM API may require technical expertise that not all organizations possess. Lastly, while unlimited page history is beneficial, it could potentially result in clutter if not managed well.

The Notion Enterprise Plan caters to the needs of large organizations that require extensive collaboration tools and advanced security measures. It’s important for potential users to assess their specific needs and resources before opting for this package.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Plan

While deciding on a plan, keep the following factors in mind:

  1. Assess free vs paid features: Identify which features are crucial for your workflow and whether they are included in the free tier.
  2. Consider the block limit: Evaluate if your usage will exceed the block limits imposed by certain plans.
  3. Estimate usage level: Larger teams or complex projects may require more robust collaboration tools available in higher-tier plans.

Each plan has its own advantages and limitations, so it’s important to choose wisely based on your specific needs and budget.

Notion AI

Notion AI, a great addition to Notion workspaces.

You can add AI to your Notion workspace for $8 / member / month billed annually or $10 / member / month billed monthly.

Notion AI is a valuable addition to any plan, offering quick access to answers, autofill capabilities for efficient data extraction, and a powerful tool for brainstorming and drafting content. Consider the needs of your team and the value these features can bring to your workflow when making your decision.


Understanding Notion’s pricing can feel overwhelming, but it’s important to remember the value that comes with choosing the right plan. To make the best decision for yourself or your team, take the time to assess your specific needs and budget constraints.

While the Free Plan is a great starting point for individuals or small teams, keep in mind that as your requirements grow, you may find it necessary to upgrade to the Plus, Business, or even the Enterprise plan. Each of these options offers its own set of features tailored to different types of users. However, it’s also important to be aware of their limitations.

One key aspect of Notion worth highlighting is its ability to integrate with other tools. One such powerful integration is Sync2Sheets, which allows you to easily sync data from Notion to Google Sheets, allowing share data with external users and enhance your workflow.

Here are a few reasons why you might consider using Sync2Sheets:

  • Convenient sync of Notion data with Google Sheets
  • Streamlined workflow
  • Enhanced collaboration

What should you do next? Visit Sync2Sheets’ website and discover how it can elevate your Notion experience.

Remember, selecting a plan involves more than just looking at the price tag. It requires understanding what each plan brings to the table and how well it fits your needs. Don’t solely focus on what you’ll gain; also consider what potential limitations exist within each plan.

This article aimed at providing an in-depth guide on “Notion Pricing: Unveiling the Plans, Features, and Limitations”. The goal was not only to discuss pricing but also to delve into the plans’ features and limitations - all aimed at helping you make an informed decision while choosing a Notion plan.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the Notion free plan?

The Notion free plan is a basic version of the software that allows users to create and organize their notes, tasks, and projects. It includes features such as unlimited pages, blocks, and file uploads. However, it has limitations on team collaboration and advanced features.

What are the features of the Notion plus plan?

The Notion plus plan includes all the features of the free plan, as well as unlimited file uploads, version history, and enhanced collaboration tools. However, it has limitations on guest access and advanced permissions.

What are the features of the Notion business plan?

The Notion business plan includes all the features of the plus plan, along with advanced permissions, admin tools, and priority support. However, it has limitations on enterprise-level security and compliance features.

What are the features of the Notion enterprise plan?

The Notion enterprise plan includes all the features of the business plan, as well as SAML authentication, advanced security features, and dedicated customer support. However, it has limitations on custom contracts and integrations.

How does Notion’s pricing structure work?

Notion’s pricing structure is based on a freemium model, where the free plan offers basic features with limitations, and paid plans offer additional features with fewer restrictions. Users can choose a plan based on their specific needs and budget.

What are some key considerations for users when deciding on a Notion plan?

Some key considerations for users include their need for advanced collaboration tools, guest access, enterprise-level security features, and expected usage level. Users should also consider their budget constraints when choosing a plan.

Notion loves Google Sheets

Ready to get started?

Install Sync2Sheets, sync your Notion databases with Google Sheets and have the best of both worlds.

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